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Friday, December 24, 2010


THE ANTI LIBERAL ZONE: OBAMA REGIME TO BYPASS CONGRESS (AGAIN): "Not unlike how the Obama regime merely dismissed a Federal court's ruling on their illegal moritorium, Obama and the EPA are simply going to..."

Thursday, December 23, 2010 - Welcome to - Welcome to

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

New law may mean bump up in New England fish catch -

New law may mean bump up in New England fish catch -

Yellow Tailed right up their backsides, wait, ah OH MY! They mean yellow tail flounder are allowed in the catch: kudos out to Sen. Olympia Snowe, a Maine Republican and Democratic Rep. Barney Frank, see by partisan relationships can work if we only try!

Commission on Ocean Policy 2004

 YOUR OCEANS TO PUBLIC LANDS ARE AT STAKE! Our fisheries are being closed down based on number crunching by scientific factors based on old data, and we are all just dumb enough to believe it; They said so, right? Wrong, stand up and fight for your rights as an American before they take away you rods, reels and guns. Hunting & Fishing? Yeah, I remember those days...

On December 19, 2004, the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy expired, as provided under the terms of the Oceans Act of 2000. Maintenance of this Web site ceased on that date. This site is an archive of the Commission's work.

WOW! And this is what I mean by out dated data:
Commission on Ocean Policy this page was updated 2007:
Reviewed October 25, 2007 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
Site hosted by National Ocean Service | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Department of Commerce

An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century

It was updated, 2005, found at bottom of website in small print:

Reviewed May 13, 2005 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
Site hosted by National Ocean Service | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Department of Commerce

To This I ask Our Representatives in Washington?

Do you believe in the Declaration of Independence assertion to wit, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” If so, how does this agree with the current federal introduction of placing faith in one man or one group of unelected officials in charge of Public Waterways, fishing grounds and the right to dissolve jobs in such fishery on the grounds of flawed to no data at all, when promises of new jobs are of the Presidents tongue? Not one member of Obama’s “neon green radicals” was elected by the people. Where is the government of and by the people? Do you really believe This Goal is to conserve Our fishing rights? 

It is  
No wonder that the anti-growth, anti-development, anti-jobs zealots are cheering, as the new National Ocean Council is co-chaired by science czar John Holdren (notorious for his musings about eugenics, mass sterilization and forced abortions to protect Mother Earth and for hyping weather catastrophes and demographic disasters in the 1970s with his population control pals Paul and Anne Ehrlich) and White House Council on Environmental Quality head Nancy Sutley (best known as the immediate boss of disgraced green jobs czar/self-avowed communist Van Jones). Talk about putting all your nuts in one basket, well it is that time of the year; now where is that nut cracker?

Democrats have tried and failed to pass “comprehensive” federal oceans management legislation five years in a row. The so-called “Oceans 21″ bill, sponsored by Democratic Rep. Sam Farr of California, went nowhere fast. Among the top reasons: bipartisan concerns about the economic impact of closing off widespread access to recreational fishing. The bill also would have handed environmentalists another punitive litigation weapon under the guise of “ecosystem management.” Instead of accepting defeat, the green lobby simply circumvented the legislative process altogether.
In late July, President Obama established a behemoth 27-member “National Ocean Council” with the stroke of a pen. Farr gloated: “We already have a Clean Air Act and a Clean Water Act. With today’s executive order, President Obama in effect creates a Clean Ocean Act.” And not a single hearing needed to be held. Not a single amendment considered. Not a single vote cast. Who gives a flying fish about transparency and the deliberative process? The oceans are dying!
The panel will have the power to implement “coastal and marine spatial plans” and to ensure that all executive agencies, departments and offices abide by their determinations. The panel has also been granted authority to establish regional advisory committees that overlap with existing regional and local authorities governing marine and coastal planning.
No wonder the anti-growth, anti-development, anti-jobs zealots are cheering. The National Ocean Council is co-chaired by wackadoodle science czar John Holdren (notorious for his cheerful musings about eugenics, mass sterilization and forced abortions to protect Mother Earth and for hyping weather catastrophes and demographic disasters in the 1970s with his population control freak pals Paul and Anne Ehrlich) and White House Council on Environmental Quality head Nancy Sutley (best known as the immediate boss of disgraced green jobs czar/self-avowed communist Van Jones).
Also on the new ocean panel:
– Socialist and energy/climate change czar Carol Browner, last seen bullying auto company execs to “put nothing in writing, ever” and threatening to continue the push on cap-and-trade tax hikes during this ending congressional lame duck session.
– Attorney General Eric Holder, the shield of the ocean council’s inner workings from public scrutiny.
– Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, destroying jobs through his offshore drilling moratorium, blocking onshore development and wreaking havoc on the energy industry. “Helping coordinate the science,” as interpreted by Obama’s Chicago-on-the-Potomac heavies, means doctoring, massaging and ramming through whatever eco-data is necessary “to reduce conflicts among uses, reduce environmental impacts, facilitate compatible uses, and preserve critical ecosystem services to meet economic, environmental, security and social objectives.” Translation: drastically limiting human activity from coastal areas to seabeds to achieve the “social objective” of appeasing the enviros and their deep-pocketed philanthropic founders; and what was his last Quote”America, I stand before you, NO MORE!” in relation to no more loss of American jobs. Meanwhile, back on the sea shore an entire town goes under as a fishing fleet is wiped out by Dr. Jane Lubchenco, head of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and a former high-ranking official at the left-wing Environmental Defense Fund, which has long championed drastic reductions of commercial fishing fleets and recreational fishing activity in favor of centralized control. Go Jane...
Even New York Sen. Charles Schumer slammed the administration’s junk science-based fishing limits at a meeting back in July or Aug. of this year between NOAA’s Lubchenco and Long Island recreational fishermen. Draconian regulations, he said, according to the New York Post, “put the industry on death’s door.” Now, the same forces behind such job destroyers will have free reign over a national ocean policy established by administrative fiat. Viva la Summer of Wreckovery.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It is Clear We are LOST; Agenda 21 Sucks...!

FCC Approves Plan to Regulate Internet -

Blogger? What Blogger, how much is the Government going to charge me to talk? Taking away more of my rights from fishing with Catch Shares, Sector Separation to the internet! Can't afford to fish and can't afford to Blog; well at least I can still sit on my porcelain throne and rule the bathroom, wait a minute, it cost to flush too. Well I can still breath...wait according to LOST, the air will be owned, the seas and no more public lands. We are all turning surf's to the ruling class of the United Nations. The Brave and the true believe in the Red, White and Blue! 
Obama is sneaking it in through the back door, by way of this Executive Order establishing his Council in helping the Democratic party become one step closer to Communism through Law Of Sea Treaty (LOST) and as a treaty, Obama's Executive Order is not Constitutional as a treaties ratification requires 2/3 approval from the Senate. Agenda 21 Convention on Biodiversity treaty of 1992 failed to pass Congress so it was executed through soft law and administratively on local levels, and Obama's Executive Order is a similar soft law tactic to enact the LOST treaty.

In fact, our Constitutional form of government is being completely destroyed because buried in the CLEAR Act (HR 3534) there is a provision for this new council is to oversee the outer continental shelf and it appears that this Regional Outer Shelf Council will be part of the National Ocean Council. This means that as the CLEAR Act comes into law, then the implementation of the UN Law Of Sea Treaty, as part of the National Ocean Council's agenda, will be "ratified" in a convoluted and stealth manner, in full opposition to the Constitution...The National Ocean Council's objective is to sink American sovereignty through the United Nations Law Of Sea Treaty (LOST) with the intended result of domination by the UN over ALL our coasts and the Great Lakes. LOST originated in the 1970s as a wealth redistribution plan to benefit Third World countries. LOST sets rules for commercial activity beneath the high seas and establishes new international bureaucracies and a tribunal to interpret and apply rules to sea activity. LOST can proceed with those rules, even against US objections and sets a precedent that US rights are dependent upon the approval of international entities. LOST also extends to ocean flowing rivers and all public waterways. There are 30 states that will be affected by this new council. The Council's strategy plan will go into effect immediately, fully developing Agenda 21 objectives and undue UN influence within 5 years and if any state, local or tribal authorities choose not to participate in the plans, the plans would be written without them. Therefore, it bears repeating that state and local governments must protect their Constitutional authority when dealing with the Council. The Constitutional authority that states and local governments have can only be taken if the power is given away...That is one of the reasons we here in Florida need to put an Amendment onto our Constitution in protecting our fishing rights as this is a way for Florida not to be included and may pave the way with the rest of these United States of America to come together and repel those who had to side with LOST (the thirty states whom are lost). Sounds like when Lincoln was President and slavery was the issue, only this time it is our freedom and our flag. I'll fight for the stripes of the Red White and Blue but not for the Flag of the UN! They can wipe my ass with that flag before I loose my country ts a thee.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Facebook | JaneLubchenko Must Go

Gary Poyssick
Honored to be a small component in the battle to keep the Environmental Defense Fund, NOAA and the left from controlling our fisheries. Americans have the right to fish. Make America Aware of the travesty of progressive regulation of our fishery. Defend our right to fish. Defend our Carbon Footprints!!!!!!
NOAA, the EDF, the Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council and the Keep America Fishing advocates are pushing for more recreational permit programs, thus allowing those that can afford to fish to do so and those that can't, well they can just cut bait. The Keep America Fishing logo is just that, a branding or a tool for all the government ABC's to control your fishing rights and all those that joined up under the Keep America Fishing website thought it was aimed to preserve their right; where as they were really just sold a bill of goods. The Duping of America! “Fishermen who signed up for Keep America Fishing email campaigns as are now united under one voice with a group which openly supported the restrictive language written into Magnuson in 2006 and is now advocating for
building broader private angler support for catch shares in 2010,” Jim Donofrio, RFA (Recreational Fishing Alliance) Executive Director.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sarah Palin; No match to Gary Anderson, a Tea Party Letter

My Letter to The Tea Party...
Supporting the values to new ways of our new born "Tea" Party, I am appalled to the thought that Sarah Palin would ever be considered for the office of The Presidency! Great, she hunts and fishes, so do I but I do not see her speaking out against "LOST" or NOAA and Sector Shares just ramifications of the North Koreans are our allies? Good Choice , not! I was a reformed Republican, last election people laughed as I said I was a Green Republican and to that I am now a Tea,Florida Whig Party member but I promise, as the constitutions allows, if Sarah Palin runs for President, SO WILL I! I have lived in over 20 states in my life and 32 countries with two degrees. My understanding of diplomacy is but of the highest order. At 57 years, disabled on SS, I qualify in a number of departments, to which many will follow. A Vote for Anderson is better than a vote for someone who needs just a bit more grooming.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Black man speak with forked tong, President Obama said...

Don't bet against us, the American Worker!” Black man speak with forked tong, promising jobs out of one side of his mouth and taking food off the table, with the lost Commercial Fishing industry on the other side of his plate. How dumb do they think we are? Apparently, pretty dumb as we are letting Sector Separation and Catch Shares happen on FALSE DATA. Though, I stand slightly corrected, they do have some data, years old and was never completed but it works for them, it works for Congress and when the President signs into law the LOST package; we really will be lost as this country will be no more. 

Monday, November 22, 2010

Inshore Florida-Offshore Anywhere: The Fishery Conservation Transition Act

Inshore Florida-Offshore Anywhere: The Fishery Conservation Transition Act


Step 1: Form a shadow government using humanitarian aid as cover. Remember, the symbol of Fabian Socialism is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Lies and deceit are their modus operandi. Here are just a few of the Soros-created/funded cover groups:
  • Open Society Institute (OSI)
  • Tides Foundation
  • Sojourners (Rev. Jim Wallis )
  • Center for American Progress (CAP)
  • Institute for Policy Studies (an adjunct of CAP)
  • The Apollo Alliance
  • Human Rights Watch
  • La Raza
Step 2: Control the airwaves. Fund existing radio, TV, media outlets and take control of them, or start your own outlets. Soros has done both: Media Matters, National Public Radio, Faith in Public Life and Huffington Post ("Investigative Fund") are just a few of the Soros-OSI funded front groups.
Step 3: Destabilize the state, weaken the government and build an anti-government kind of feeling in the country. You exploit an economic crisis or take advantage of an existing crisis – pressure from the top and the bottom. This will allow you to weaken the government and build anti-government public sentiment. Soros has done this through front groups like: People for the American Way, and the Tides Foundation. Tides also supports the Apollo Alliance, Color for Change (Van Jones), Service Employees International Union (Andy Stern's SEIU) and the charitable arm of the radical 1960s student anarchist group, Students for a Democratic Society, of which the Weather Underground is a spin-off group (i.e., Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dorhn, who launched Obama's political career).
Step 4: Provoke an election crisis. And during the election, you cry voter fraud. Remember Obama, Hillary and Rahm Emanuel's mantra: "Never allow a good crisis go to waste." At the Shadow Party's "Take Back America" conference in Washington on June 3, 2004, following a glowing introduction from Hillary Clinton, Soros gave the decree, "Do something about the distortion of our electoral process by the excessive use of TV advertising." A few months later, two progressive politicians took up this cause, aggressively funded and lobbied by Soros, and eventually passed the McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform law, which launched a new era of 501(c)(3) and 527 nonprofits. In a revealing 2004 article by David Horowitz and Richard Poe, "Shadow Party: Part III," the authors wrote: "By pushing McCain-Feingold through Congress, Soros cut off the Democrats' soft-money supply. By forming the Shadow Party, Soros offered the Democrats an alternate money spigot – one which he personally controlled." That's why Beck calls George Soros President Obama's puppet master.
Step 5: Take power. You stage massive demonstrations, civil disobedience, sit-ins, general strike; you encourage radical activism. You promote voter fraud and tell followers what to do through your radio and television stations. OSI and Soros front groups like ACORN, SEIU (whose union membership program the voting machines), Color for Change (Van Jones) and the Ruckus Society, an environmental justice group known for their aggressive tactics, causes untold havoc in our election cycle every two years.
George Soros is a very evil man and has perfected the economic deconstruction of nations, which he learned firsthand as a child in Nazi-controlled Hungary and later throughout Communist-controlled Eastern Europe – except Soros needs no bullets for his revolution; he has a much more treacherous and inconspicuous weapon: money and propaganda.
Because George Soros is an atheist, he has no allusions about a heaven beyond the grave. Therefore, like most socialists, progressives, Darwinists and atheists, he is trying to establish a utopian society here on earth – a one-world centralized government without borders, religion or culture, one currency, one language and one puppet master to pull the strings of the useful idiots in power … while controlling the world from beyond the shadows.

Ellis Washington is former editor of the Michigan Law Review and law clerk at The Rutherford Institute. He hosts a radio program Thursdays at 10 a.m. Eastern on 1620 AM in Atlanta. It can be heard online at the Radio Sandy Springs website. Washington is a regular co-host of the popular radio show, Joshua's Trial heard Saturdays on and His weekly podcasts are available Mondays at The Conservative Beacon. Washington is a graduate of John Marshall Law School and a lecturer and freelance writer on constitutional law, legal history and critical race theory. His latest book is "The Nuremberg Trials: Last Tragedy of the Holocaust."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Couch Potato Politics; Vote for Me, Gary Anderson, President of the USA!

Couch Potato Politics; Vote for Me, Gary Anderson
"Spending is out of control and the deficit is the biggest problem the United States has,"
I admire the U.K. government's recently announced austerity program, which is making the biggest cuts to public spending in 60 years, and grouses that America, of all places, we too should have the courage to do the same. She was our mother country, to which maybe we too can still learn from Mom without having any ties in social attitude! We need to support spending on programs that stimulate job creation than efforts to cut the deficit. We need more involvement in protecting the environment and more government involvement in ensuring access to health care. We also need to look into reducing poverty, setting educational standards and regulating Wall Street through an open reform. The most important reforms we need through limited government control is programs to include medicare , social security and federal aid to public schools. If i were to get off the couch and quite playing couch potato politics, I would run for President of the United States, yeah, why not, lived in 32 plus countries, over25 states, served my country from a different prospective and am now a disabled writer on S.S. and well under 65 years of age. If that face from Anchorage  can do it, why not I. At least I know where I am a poverty level proud American with two degrees and a lot to say, I'll leak out a bit more of what I would do if I got off the Couch!

Our U.S. government has responded creatively to the near collapse of our financial system, using a litany of measures, from the bank bailout to stimulus spending and lower interest rates. With interest rates near zero already, the Federal Reserve has few tricks left up its sleeve to boost growth or fend off another slump towards another Great Depression. If we were to reduce payroll taxes for both employers and employees, this reduction for employers would lower labor costs and allow the hiring of more workers; for employees, increased take-home pay will improve spending. How simple is that? All funded by allowing the Bush's tax cuts for people making more than $250,000 to expire, while keeping in place the rules set for for middle- and low-income earners -- the vast majority of Americans to stay as they were, like you and I.

It is also time to hold U.S. financial institutions feet to the fire. The very companies that benefited from the billions of dollars of taxpayer stimulus, are building up huge cash reserves and turning around and reinvesting to over invest in capital at the expense of jobs. By taxing this capital, it would reduce the cost of labor and get companies hiring again.

And then you have to love George Soros statement about Praise to God: “ It is sort of a disease when you consider yourself some kind of god, the creator of everything, but I feel comfortable about it now since I began to live it out.”
~ George Soros, June 3, 1993
So God, with your Quantum Group of Fund, now reorganized, and called the Quantum Endowment Fund with assets of approximately $27 billion, why not lend a hand in helping to preserve world order instead of building a new box to which there is and will be opposition to which even you and your numbers cannot comprehend?

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Levine service UPDATE

Levine service UPDATE

My friend, supporter when I was running in the race and great man; Lord be with your family and to you Herb; always remembered but never forgotten...

Get A Physical before Boarding


The Truth Shall Set You Free

LAME DUCK TAX CUTS...Who are they kidding, why can't the people we elect Speak the truth as the Truth will Set You Free and all they are doing is talking in circles to the point know one knows what the truth is!