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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oil Pollution Hell! How about Chemical Injections?

Oil Pollution Hell! How about Chemical Injections making up almost half of total on-site disposal of deadly chemicals, to which make an oil spill look like pancake syrup compared to the poisons ALLOWED by the EPA to be injected underground into on-site wells in 2010 and the extremist environmentalist scream about drilling for oil or the Keystone Pipeline? Allow us to kill the earth but not to refuel the economy; something very wrong here and people wonder why people such as I want the EPA an Endangered Animal!

Florida to Texas and into the ground below the Gulf of Mexico, underground injection is used for the disposal of toxic chemicals, including nitrate compounds, ammonia and acetonitrile, primarily by the chemical manufacturing industry. Underground injection increased by 34% from 2009 to 2010 and by 15% from 2001 to 2010. So what do all of you tofu eaters think about that? Sweeping the dirt under the rug does not make it go away; it just hides it until we have a “DEAD ZONE” and then we blame it on an oil spill; conveniently is it not?Ammonia alone, injected into the ground, entering an aquifer and finding its way back into the Gulf has the potential to cause "stress and damages gills and other tissues, even in small amounts. Fish exposed to low levels of ammonia over time are more susceptible to bacterial infections, have poor growth, and will not tolerate routine handling as well as they otherwise would. Ammonia is a killer when present in higher concentrations, and many unexplained production losses have likely been caused by ammonia;" a DEAD ZONE.

So now we quit our exploration ideas or my ideas of a refinery or two in putting America back to work, because of a bunch of environmentalist and there regulations but allow millions of pounds of deadly chemicals to be swept under our rug without even a whimper. Grow a pair and put the round peg in the round hole and to that we may all win!

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