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Monday, November 21, 2011

Easy 2 Hook, No Knot Hooks & Lures

Easy 2 Hook, No Knot Hooks & Lures; a grassroots American Company to which if I can help them in selling to increasing in size, I can say, I helped out another in making America Stronger and more dependent upon ourselves rather than from our competitors overseas. I am not even in Congress and yet, with maybe just a little help from my blogs, Ron Baskett and his company Easy2Hook may make a difference in someones lives from employees to the consumer. I like to fish. I like to spend my time fishing and Not tying knots in a change out or bite off. Ron's hooks are top of the art design like nothing you have ever seen and someday, maybe the only hook in our American market. Tomorrow, Ron & I will be discussing a product that can save the state of Florida millions in hazardous waste from Batteries and save on its carbon foot print. CHECK OUT THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE Think about it, if everybody just put out a little bit more effort with less talk and more action; our country wouldn't be where it is today! Principles before Party, Personality or Profit with Deeds not words!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gary Anderson are you looking a source from where you can get information about Knots. You can visit on You will feel happy now because which source i am providing you there you can get Online Fishing Tackle Shop on

    More Detail : Pty Ltd, ABN 76 132 533 969, PO Box 767 Narrabeen 2101, NSW Australia
    Phone: 02-99132288
    International phone: 61-2-99132288
    Fax : 02-99131199


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