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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kicking the Can in Conversations with Florida

Here are my first thoughts, as you all know I am "Testing the Waters" for US Senate FL 2012 and really like to share what I think. I too am in need of donations;


I would like to see the U.S. aggressively pursue new achievements in space and am advocating the replacement of the Environmental Protection Agency with a oversight committee designed to find Homeland Energy Solutions, with the dropping of the many overzealous regulations, that prevent new ventures to start ups, in producing the much needed jobs we need in America, today!

On immigration, I believe in a stronger border policy by bringing home our troops to police our security but I favor to, a right to work visa worker program for immigrants who wish to enter the right way. I too, would like to see a bill introduced with the conversation on a flex-fuel or bi-fuel vehicles mandate for cars sold in the U.S. And my number one enterprise would be in bringing Jobs to Education back to Florida and America, as we are all in need thereof. I also would like:

A Conversation With Florida as

Florida's government needs to tighten with times, if we too wish to save monies and create new job opportunities. With budgets continuing to tighten, local governments need to be looking for ways to become more efficient. One method would be to consolidate layers of government, especially city government, in many areas of the state. The work done by city government is necessary but could easily be absorbed into county governments at a savings. Government efficiency is a topic that needs to be discussed everywhere. Cities also do property tax valuations, a process that could be absorbed into county government and undoubtedly done more efficiently and effectively. It would make sense to place the entire function into one office. Some cities have control of roads and bridges, cemeteries and other buildings. All of these functions could be handled by a county in a much more efficient fashion.

The state government could also starting to look at consolidation of government services. The whole process of examining changes in state law, that would allow local voters the opportunity to eliminate city government, could be done through referendums.

It's a subject that deserves serious consideration. Government needs to find a way to deliver necessary services more efficiently and effectively. The savings to taxpayers is worth pursuing or at least looking into anyway. Solutions can only be found by kicking the can around and finding just what one comes up with. Nothing is written in stone and much could change in bringing Florida to the top of the Nation in revenues to job creation, if we just talk about new conversations in Florida!

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